About Us
Before being enrolled in Georgetown University as a graduate student of Communication, Culture, and Technology, Li spent her previous 20 years in Shanghai, China. The diverse and comprehensive culture of Shanghai offers Li-an opportunity to know about different people and equips her with great courage for studying abroad. In 2018, Li acquired her bachelor degree of law in East China University of Political Science and Law. She also went deep in common law while studying in the City University of Hong Kong in 2016. With the knowledge of legal science and social science, she is pretty interested in how to keep the balance between law and morals
Rujin is a Master student at Georgetown University, where she enrolls in Culture, Communication and Technology program. In Jun 2018, she got her Bachelor in Communication from the University of International Relations. Currently, her interests focus on Product and Marketing. She was mainly responsible for the making of the video in this wonderful teamwork.
Wenjie Zhang, is a student now pursuing her Master of Arts Degree at Georgetown University’s Communication, Culture and Technology program. Volunteer work with Tibetan children and her undergraduate studies focusing on translation inspired to strengthen her communication skills to be a better influencer. Combining her artistic and analytical skills, she is proficient in Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, SPSS, HTML, JavaScript. She was responsible for the design of the poster and team logo.
Yuting Xia is currently a first-year student pursuing her master degree in Communication, Culture, and Technology program at Georgetown University. She once worked as a media content assistant at the digital department of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, which equipped her with application development and promotion skills. She is interested in new media marketing and fascinated with how people interact and get influenced by new media in this new digital era. With knowledge of consumer insights and the related analysis skills, she hopes to get a job as a marketing specialist in the future.
Design Concepts
The logo of Weibo was created as a carton eye with three signal on its right. We love its concept which depicts Weibo as a tool for people to discover and communicate. Thus, we applied the logo of Weibo into our theme design.
In our website, poster as well as our team logo, we all applied the yellow (#feb101), orange (ff8600), and red (#d52a2c) as the theme colors, which were extracted from the logo of Sina Weibo. We believe that those colors were bright and attracting for absorbing our audiences, as Weibo Real-time Trending Topic also use those colors aiming to attract its users to view and share news.
We used a handwrote “WeHit” as our team logo. The style of handwriting signifies that the aim of Weibo Trending Topic is to get people involved. The letters all has relatively small head and big bottom, which is the shape of rain drop, and rain drop represents a plethora of posts, topics and shared information are collected, filtered, and formed as a list, just like rain drop are collected and formed as whole water. And at the top of the letter “i,” is also the logo of Weibo, which indicates our research object.
Our website has seven sections: Overall introduction (WE ARE “WEHIT”!), background, mechanism (including sociotechnical system and architecture), poster, interview, reference, and introduction of our team (ABOUT US).
Weibo logo